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Question Refund Policy

If you change your mind or are not completely satisfied with an item, you can cancel or return your order without any particular reason from the day the order is placed up to and including 14 days after receiving the ordered package by notifying in writing and returning the item or simply by sending the item back. You must enter your name, address and other relevant information, e.g. order number, invoice number and name of the item in the message. We use the Swedish Consumer Agency’s form, it can be found here

We will refund such goods within max. 14 days from when we have received the return, provided that all goods are in reasonably good condition,

When exercising the right of withdrawal, you pay the return shipping. The item must be returned within 14 days from the date on which notice of the exercise of the right of withdrawal was given to IDEAL. The item must be sent well packaged in good condition. If the item is not returned in acceptable condition, IDEAL has the right to make a depreciation deduction.

When you cancel your purchase, IDEAL will refund the amount you paid for the item, including delivery costs. Exceptions apply to any additional delivery costs as a result of you choosing a different delivery method than the standard delivery offered by IDEAL. When part of an order is returned, the delivery cost is not refunded. From the amount to be refunded, IDEAL has the right to deduct an amount corresponding to the decrease in value of the item compared to the original value of the item, if and to the extent that such decrease in value is due to You having handled the item to a greater extent than is necessary to determine its properties or function.

Question Shipping policy
AnswerProducts that are in stock are usually delivered within the number of working days shown on the Website. The estimated delivery time for an order is stated in the order confirmation. In the event of delays, we will inform you and continue to monitor the order. You can cancel the order if the delivery is delayed for more than 30 days and the delay was not caused by you.

Depending on the shipping method, you may need to pick up the order from a specific delivery location. You must do so within the time specified on the delivery note. If you do not pick up the order on time, you may be charged a late fee and the order may be sent back to us at your expense. We can also cancel the order if you don’t pick it up on time.

Question Which materials are good for sensitive skin?
AnswerHemp and Tencel™ have the added benefit of being good for allergy-prone or sensitive skin. Its fiber feels soft and comfortable and transports away all moisture quickly. It helps keep the skin dry and avoids irritation.
Question Is the anti-bacterial protection washed out in the wash?
AnswerNo, our products have natural antibacterial protection, which does not wash out. On the contrary, the protection is there for the entire time you use our products, which is very good for your skin.
Question What is a sweatproof t-shirt?
AnswerA t-shirt that guarantees you won’t get sweat stains on your clothes. Ideal Underwear’s sweat-proof t-shirt is sewn with a special three-layer sweat protection under the arms, which guarantees that sweat does not penetrate and you get sweat stains on your clothes.
Question Do you sweat less with sweat-proof t-shirts?
AnswerA sweat-proof t-shirt ensures that stains do not transfer to shirts and dresses; it does not result in less sweating. The sweat-proof technology means that your clothes remain stain-free and fresh, day in and day out.
Question Is your sweatproof t-shirt visible under my clothes?
AnswerThe advantage of Ideal Underwear is that the t-shirt does not wrinkle under, for example, your shirt or dress and thus creates lines that are visible through.
Question How to stop sweat stains under the arms?
AnswerUsing our sweatproof technology with three layers of sweat protection not only prevents underarm sweat stains and bad odor, but also gives you peace of mind knowing your sensitive skin will stay dry no matter the conditions.
Question Why do you get sweat stains?
AnswerOnce you start sweating and sweat stains appear on your clothes and dry, the salt, proteins and oils in the sweat can leave marks. These usually disappear in normal machine washing.
Question How do you avoid sweating under the arms?
AnswerThere are many ways, but the most common is to use antiperspirant or deodorant. They contain different substances and many products are both antiperspirant and deodorant at the same time.
Question What can I do to reduce underarm sweating?
AnswerYou can seek help if you sweat a lot and deodorants with antiperspirants do not help and you feel it is a problem. There are many different types of treatments and medications.
Question Why do I smell sour? Smell sweat?
Answer The smell of sweat depends on your bacteria. Different types of bacteria produce different types of sweat odor. But there are also other things that can affect sweat smelling bad, such as eating unhealthy or strong food. Certain medications and hormonal changes can also affect the smell of sweat.
Question Can't get rid of the smell of sweat under your arms?
Answer Be careful about hygiene if you feel that your sweat smells. Sweat smells almost nothing until it comes into contact with bacteria. Please wash yourself with a mild soap that does not dry out the skin. You can try shaving the hair in the armpits if you are bothered by the smell of sweat from there. Inadequate cleaning under the armpit means that you can still smell sweat even after a shower.
Question What can I do about sweat and the smell of sweat?
Answer -Wash with soap and water, morning and night, and use deodorant in the morning. .
-Use deodorant that contains antiperspirant.
-Change to clean socks and underwear every day.
-Change between different shoes if your feet sweat a lot.
-Don’t wear too tight clothes if you sweat a lot under the arms.
-Use Ideal Underwear sweat-proof t-shirt to prevent sweat stains on your clothes.
-Our underwear prevents bad-smelling bacteria thanks to the natural antibacterial and odor-resistant properties of Hemp and Tencel.
Question Why have I started sweating so much?
AnswerThe most common reason is that the sweat glands are very active. This means they produce more sweat. Then it is common to sweat a lot on the feet, hands and armpits. Some people may also sweat more from other areas or experience that they sweat more all over the body.
Question Can't stop sweating?
AnswerExcessive sweating can have several causes but the most common is overactive sweat glands. It is a condition called hyperhidrosis. If you have excessive sweating, you usually notice this by sweating a lot under the armpits, on the palms of the hands and under the feet.
Question How do you know if you have Hyperhidrosis?
AnswerIn primary hyperhidrosis, most sweat is produced in the armpits, palms and soles of the feet. You may also experience excessive sweating of the face and abdomen. In secondary hyperhidrosis, sweating usually increases over the entire body.
Question What can different Hyperhidrosis treatments look like?
Answer-Aluminum chloride applied to dry skin.
-Syringe injections with botulinum toxin in the sweat glands..
-Anticholinergic drugs in tablet form.
-Microwaves that destroy the sweat glands in the armpits.
-Iontophoresis, which means you put your hands or feet in a water bath connected to a weak current.
Question How to get rid of sweat stains under the arms?
AnswerA housewife’s tip: Mix a paste of bicarbonate and water, smear the paste on the sweat stains. Leave on for 30 min. Wash the shirt as usual in the machine together with your other laundry.
Question Can you get sweats from stress?
AnswerIt is not unusual that in high stress you get an adrenaline rush and the body’s survival instincts kick in and you start sweating and the skin becomes slippery and cold sweaty.