Mudassar Anwaar

Textile Engineer

Krister Ruth

Business developer & Inventor


Brand promise: Through innovative, functional and durable clothing, Ideal Underwear wants to create security and increased well-being for people who suffer from sweating!

It all started with a passion to develop innovative, durable and functional clothing while solving the problems of people who sweat more than average.

Ideal Underwear was founded in Umeå, in northern Sweden and we have roots and influences from Lapland and Pakistan. We are both serial entrepreneurs who have a long background in product development and problem solving through innovation and we are both passionate about contributing to a better and sustainable society.

Krister is a business developer and inventor, introduced as a mentor to Mudassar through a mentoring program to help Mudassar with business development for his sustainable sock brand.

During one of our mentor/adept meetings, Krister curiously asked – “Mudassar, do you think it is possible to develop a really durable, functional and sweat-proof t-shirt for everyone who sweats?” Krister went on to talk about the problems with sweat stains on his shirts and blazers and how it can sometimes disturb confidence in certain social contexts. Mudassar who is a textile engineer, shared his thoughts on some possible solutions and then confidently replied, – Yes!

Long story short, we developed our first prototypes of a t-shirt with a sweat-proof three-layer protection under the arms in the world’s most durable fiber Hemp and Tencel.

These materials have the best properties for sensitive skin, natural and multi-functional, and we both then started testing the product in various hot, pressing, stressful and sweaty situations. The initial results were very promising and we were both proud and hopeful to be able to offer a product that solves a major personal problem for the 15% of the world’s population who suffer from excessive sweating.

But of course we weren’t done. In the following three years, we continued to improve our product, to make it as sustainable as possible, for both people and the environment – and that through these T-shirts we can contribute to a more long-term and sustainable world, where people can feel safe from inside and out.

Naming the T-shirt became simpler – Ideal Underwear.
It feels like a direct description of the philosophy behind the brand and the promise we make to our prospective customers. We offer a unique collection of underwear that is ideal for people who sweat.

Of course, our T-shirt should also fit people who sweat normally, or even a little. Therefore, it is both comfortable and stylish too – in addition to being fresh in all situations. A must have in your wardrobe simply!

Try on a T-shirt and you’ll immediately get an idea of ​​the quality and feel you can walk around with.

We can guarantee you that it will become your new favorite t-shirt.


“Our Swedish and Pakistani heritage of innovation, sustainability and craftsmanship is deeply rooted in our DNA. We use that power to give us who sweat a safe, sustainable and functional everyday life”
Krister Ruth, business developer & Mudassar Anwar, textile engineer.

We were founded in Umeå, in northern Sweden, but we have roots and influences from Lapland and Pakistan. Living in Västerbotten is happiness! We are the region in the world with the highest Social Progress Index, an indicator that makes a complete assessment of people’s well-being in a society, based on various social, cultural and environmental variables.

Our location in the Arctic with its cold, beautiful nature and long distances means that we humans need to take care of our surroundings and each other, and we do that with joy and pride! We see it as our duty to pass on these values.

And we do, with Ideal Underwear!